Prevention - Pediatric dentistry

 Children's dentist in Forte dei Marmi

Cavities are one of the major risks associated with inadequate oral hygiene in childhood. Versilia Dental Institute offers bespoke treatments for cavity management in Forte dei Marmi, provided by a specialist children's dentist.
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WORKING TOGETHER at home and in the clinic

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Oral hygiene for infants: practical tips

Exclusive breastfeeding: Infants who are exclusively breastfed do not need to clean their gums. Breast milk provides natural immunity support that benefits the oral microbiota.

For formula-fed infants, you might consider using gauze.

When to start brushing baby’s teeth?

As soon as the first baby tooth appears is the best time to start brushing your little one’s teeth.

Oral hygiene for infants: when to brush the teeth?

From the first tooth, twice a day. Note: if there is night-time formula feeding, it is advisable to brush teeth in the morning before breakfast and a total of three times a day.

How should teeth be brushed?

Use fluoride toothpaste (1000 ppm fluoride), a toothbrush, and dental floss.

When toschedule the first dentist visit?

As soon as the first baby tooth appears so that your dentist can provide additional information on prevention.


Recommended toothbrush: Small, round head, soft nylon bristles, long handle, safety ring, colourful bristles, suction base useful for drying.

Recommended toothpaste: starting from 1000 ppm fluoride.

Amount of toothpaste recommended: 6 months to 3 years: a rice-sized amount; 3 to 6 years: a pea-sized amount

How to brush teeth? Lift the lip technique: Lift the lip and move the cheek to prevent plaque from remaining between the teeth.

Brushing technique and what if they cry? It’s important to remember that we are not traumatising the child. Brushing teeth is non-negotiable, just like changing a nappy.


When to start using dental floss? As soon as possible, especially if there are no gaps between the teeth.

How often to change the toothbrush? Every 2-3 months, when bristles start to splay, after a viral illness or infection, and after a cleaning session.

What can help in brushing your child’s teeth? Books, internet apps, or an oral hygiene calendar.

Fluoride prophylaxis

Fluoride is a naturally occurring substance that, according to World Health Organization guidelines, if used correctly and regularly from an early age (as early as 6 months), helps make enamel more resistant to decay.

Fluoride can be found in drinking water, mineral water, beverages, foods, toothpaste, gels, and specific mouth rinses.


Can diet help maintain healthy teeth?

Certainly! Diet plays a crucial role in cavity prevention and overall oral health.

Limiting sweets, sugary drinks, fruit juices, and being cautious with certain fruits that are high in sugar is very helpful.

It is not correct to eliminate these foods entirely, but you can teach your children to brush their teeth after eating, including at snack times.

It is also important to remember that cariogenic action is related to the acidity of foods: all fizzy drinks, sports drinks, tea, and freeze-dried products create an acidic environment that weakens tooth enamel and encourages bacterial growth, which is extremely harmful to your children’s (and your) teeth.

Additional small tips and healthy dietary choices include:

  • Give children fruit and vegetables with high water content, even as a snack: pears, melons, celery, and cucumbers are the best.
  • Cheese, in moderation, is a good ally: it stimulates saliva flow, which helps wash away food residues from the teeth. It also contains calcium and reduces mouth acidity.
  • Avoid sticky foods: raisins, dried figs, cereal bars, peanut butter cookies, caramel, honey, molasses, syrups, etc., make the initial cleaning task of saliva more difficult. If the child consumes these products, they should brush their teeth immediately after eating.
  • It is better to consume sweets right after a meal as dessert: saliva production is higher after eating, which makes it easier to remove residues.
  • Always prefer water over other drinks: juices, sodas, and milk contain sugars. Water does not damage teeth and also helps wash away some food residues.
  • Include calcium-rich foods to strengthen teeth: good sources include milk, broccoli, and yoghurt.


Incorrect habits

The early years of a child's life are crucial for learning the correct hygiene and cleaning habits that will last a lifetime.

Parents have the role of teaching the importance of care and prevention, remembering to bring the child for their first visit around 4-5 years of age. The dentist can help the family teach the young patient proper daily cleaning, monitor oral health, and track the correct positioning of teeth.

  • NEVER dip a pacifier in honey or sugar, even when teeth have not yet erupted.
  • NEVER let a child fall asleep with a bottle of chamomile or other sugary drinks.

These habits cause the so-called “bottle syndrome”: the child’s front teeth are damaged and decay immediately due to the sugar administered in this way.

Remove the pacifier around 12 months of age and teach them to drink from a cup rather than a bottle: this can help prevent or avoid misalignment and malocclusions caused by poor habits.

Also, try to correct thumb-sucking habits, paying particular attention during sleep.


 Pediatric dentistry

Paediatric dentistry is the branch that involves the care and prevention of dental issues in children. It mainly refers to treating cavities and educating children on oral hygiene. For proper oral hygiene in children, it is essential to consult a dentist who specialises in paediatrics, who can guide and reassure the child with patience and understanding. Baby teeth play a vital role in guiding the eruption of permanent teeth, which is why they are treated with the aim of keeping them until they naturally fall out.
Why should we keep the baby tooth until its natural replacement?

These teeth are important biologically for both the functional aspect of chewing and for ensuring proper growth of the jaw and upper maxilla.
Pacifier tips

The pacifier is one of the most loved tools by children. It is important to follow the paediatrician's advice when offering it to your child.

Remember that extending its use beyond 2 years can cause palate constriction or misalignment of teeth. These issues may self-correct if pacifier use stops by the age of 4. If there is no improvement, a dental check-up might be necessary.

Versilia Dental Institute advises parents to schedule a preventive dental visit when children are 2-3 years old to provide all necessary information.

Cavity prevention

Versilia Dental Institute is particularly attentive to the needs and health of children and has been committed to cavity prevention for years.

During the visit, each patient is made comfortable and examined carefully. To detect even the smallest cavities, the children's dentist uses a state-of-the-art device, the operating microscope, which allows for thorough examination of every carious lesion. With intraoral X-rays, it is also possible to check for interproximal cavities.

The experts at the Forte dei Marmi dental clinic recommend an annual dental check-up and offer many tips for improving at-home oral hygiene.
Newly erupted permanent teeth have deep grooves that are difficult to clean. Sealants are a treatment that involves closing these dental grooves with a special composite material, helping to reduce cavity formation. The treatment lasts about a year and a half to two years. The procedure is painless and serves as an excellent preventive measure against cavities without affecting the teeth, chewing, or future development.

Ministry of Health Guidelines on Prevention Conservative - Endodontics
Filling of baby teeth

Fillings involve cleaning the decayed area of the tooth, removing the necrotic or affected part, and filling the prepared area with a whitish composite material, which will be shaped to fit the tooth.

What is pulp therapy for deciduous teeth?

When decay extends to the pulp of a baby tooth, a root canal treatment is necessary, which involves removing the pulp. The tooth is then prepared for restoration to its original shape and function.

Cavities and their prevention

Conservative dentistry treatments

If you are looking for a children's dentist who can approach your child with sensitivity and care, trust Versilia Dental Institute: the Forte dei Marmi dental clinic specialises in conservative dentistry and, in addition to providing high-quality preventive treatments, offers bespoke solutions for cavity management.

Once diagnosed through intraoral X-rays, interproximal cavities can be treated and removed with minimally invasive procedures using operating microscopes.

Everything you need to know about your child's teeth

In the Versilia Dental Institute dossier, you can read short stories about routine treatments at the dental clinic, written in a child-friendly manner. Parents are encouraged to read a short story corresponding to the upcoming appointment before the visit so that the child can familiarise themselves with the environment and reduce their fear of the "unknown".
You will also find a series of tips and information related to prevention, applicable to both baby and permanent teeth!


All important advice for preventing carious lesions.


Educating parents on how to care for their children’s teeth.

Child awareness

By reading the short stories in the dossier, the child will become more familiar with the clinic and approach the appointment with less fear.

Conscious sedation

Fear of the dentist causes anxiety and distress both in children undergoing dental treatment and in the parents who accompany them. By alleviating these emotional states, we can make the dental visit a much more pleasant experience.
More information on conscious sedation

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 How to reach our practice

Your new dentist for children is located in Forte dei Marmi, Via Emilia 850/C.
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